The best time to start is usually when lines start to stick around – but not too deeply. Most patients typically start in their late 20s, or early 30s, some even in their mid-20s. Remember – Botulinum Toxin is used for ANTI-aging purposes to avoid those lines from settling.
Botox itself is a muscle relaxer used to treat dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles that form when muscles move), it is not used for lines caused by collagen breakdown however can create a more fresh look. Dermal fillers can treat wrinkles in the face, however primarily used to treat deeper lines or fill a surface area such as deep nose to mouth lines or lips. Dermal fillers can help to create volume where volume is lost.
Elisabeth offers a 2-week review to ensure she gives clients the best results. Sometimes a top-up is needed to do a few tweaks to create symmetry and desired results.
Do not take any over-the-counter blood thinner medications before your treatment. Avoid taking aspirin and ibuprofen. If you are on a prescribed blood thinner, let Elisabeth know before so she can take precautions accordingly.
Do not take over-the-counter supplements for at least one week for example Vit E, and primrose oil. Do not drink alcohol 23 hours before treatment. If you have any history of cold sores please let Elisabeth know prior, she will likely prescribe anti-viral medication before treatment to avoid worsening conditions.
Elisabeth would advise if you have any big events coming up allow 1-2 weeks before any events, this allows time for bruising and swelling to settle without you having to worry if you are going to look the best for your event or not!
There should not be any issue with dermal fillers and flying, although there is some concern that the change in air pressure in the cabin of the plane can have some effect. There is no evidence for this.
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